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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Analysis & Prediction

John McCain and Barack Obama.

America can expect to see these names on the ballot this November for the Republican and Democratic presidential nominees. Following the most recent primaries, a number of superdelegates and prominent Clinton supporters switched sides to support Obama. This is a clear indication that Clinton is slowing losing her ground as a viable presidential nominee. I believe it will take many more of her prominent supporters to switch sides before she will concede the nomination to Obama before the democratic convention this August.

John McCain still has a lot of ground to make up. According to the latest figures from the Federal Election Committee, McCain only has $11,579,714 available cash on hand, while Obama has $51,074,000 available cash on hand.

The next key step for each candidate will be choosing their running mate for Vice President. The process each candidate goes through to determine their running mate will be the most important process between now and November, because the American people are voting for President and Vice President together. The presidential candidate who has the best and most likable running mate will ultimately get the coveted votes of many Americans in November.

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