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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Campaign Finance

It is a necessary evil. No candidate enjoys asking constituents for money, although some enjoy the process more than others. Incumbents usually have the advantage in raising funds, and opposing candidates face an uphill battle with the odds heavily stacked against them. Bottom line is that a candidate needs money to advertise and reach out to registered voters. Following that logic, one would think the candidate with the most money is better suited to be elected.

With that said, Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District race might as well be over! According to the Center for Responsive Politics, as of April 23, 2008, incumbent Lee Terry (R) has raised $718,531 with $497,492 cash on hand. Democratic candidate Jim Esch has raised a total of $34,171 with $27,693 cash on hand and Richard Carter (D), the other democratic candidate, has reportedly raised $0!

In 2006, Esch won 45 percent of the vote against Terry in the general election despite limited campaign funds. Two years later, his name is still fresh in the eyes of many voters and is primed to face Terry again come November…albeit with the same outcome as 2006 unless something dramatic happens.